The Turning Point With Dan Maw

Spend Time Building With Colin Gray



Colin Gray is a podcaster, a writer and a PhD in digital education. He specialises in engaging through content, with podcasting at its core and how to publish prolific content without killing yourself. His company, The Podcast Host, helps anyone to grow an audience by combining podcasting, blogging and video to cultivate fanatical fans.   These days, Colin writes regularly on podcasting and content marketing, and he produces five podcasts along with his team at The Podcast Host. The topics include mountain biking, podcasting, subversive leadership and running a business. PodCraft is the flagship, a season-based show which tackles Podcasting topics head-on over a series of shows, looking to create a definitive guide each time. Colin is also an experienced speaker, both in new media and in the academic world. Most recently he was a main-track speaker at New Media Europe and spoke at Podcast Movement in Texas, USA.   Colin's Key Points   Spend a year or two building your content first. You can’t build