Marnie And Campo




Harry was born on the 04/03/2021, shortly after he was born they noticed something wasn’t right and he was taken immediately to the Mater hospital. Harry was born with a really rare condition, from his belly button down he has not formed properly. He has severe abnormalities. After the 1st surgeon had said they wouldn’t put their name to his surgeries, 2 wonderful surgeons said they would do it together. There was visits from other doctors and university medical students just to view it as it was so rare. Two days later at just 3 days old Harry went in for major reconstructive surgery. They repaired his bladder which was external. They had to break his pelvic bones and reposition them forwards to support his new bladder and muscle area. Move external body parts around and more. There would be complications because it was unknown territory, they didn’t know what that would be and there were complications following his procedure and doctors said we will deal with future problems when they come up. Harry has a