Embody Radio

The "Big 3" of Branding and Why You Should Build a Brand, Not a Business | with host Emily Duncan



2 years ago, I made one of the best decisions I've ever made - rebranding my fitness company after 5 years of business. I was scared that rebranding so "late" in the game might hurt our brand recognition, but not only did it absolutely not do that, but shifiting from being a business to being a true brand, and emphasizing what I now refer to as the "Brand Big 3" - Values, Vision, and Vibes, we attracting a stronger ideal client base and community, have more cohesion in every level of the business (from internal operations to client relations), and have consistently been able to sign higher-paying clients that are also dream matches for our coaches. This episode is for all of my creative entrepreneurs out there that feel like the things you're doing, like sending more DMs or doing more cold outreach or trying paid ads just aren't... doing it, and you want more from your brand - your content, your clients, everything. I can confidently say this - branding is the foundation of getting people to care about who yo