Talk About Gay Sex Podcast

EP 610 Cruising Etiquette, Petty Things that make you lose interest, Twink Death?



On a new TAGSPODCAST aka Talk About Gay Sex podcast, Host Steve V is joined in studio with Lincoln and Kodi Maurice Doggette are back with all new hot LGBTQ topics, sex and relationship advice and more:Trans Models walk the runway of the return of the Victoria Secret fashion show amidst anti-Trans haters...Cruising Stories and Cruising etiquetteWhat little things make you lose interest in a guy...we discussDo 'dark personalities' attract each other? Did you have a 'Twink Death" and when did you realize that?Advice about when or not to move in with your boyfriend...Saluting Cher being inducted to the Rock and Roll Hall of FameSir Ian McKellen goes out to popular gay club at 85!Support TAGS and get extra special perks! V's Link Tree: Steve V. on IG: @iam_stevevFollow Lincoln on IG: @madlincolnFollow the Protein Bakery on IG: @proteinbakeryFollow Kodi Maurice Doggette on IG: @mistahmauriceWanna drop a weekly or one time tip to TAGSPODCAST - Show yo