Chats With Susan Burrell

Hope in the Uncertainty



Ep #296 - Hope in the Uncertainty - An Interview with Medium, Hollister Rand  I am so excited to share this fun and insightful conversation of Empowering Chats with my guest Hollister Rand. All of my circuits are lit up. Hollister is a medium and the author of, "Everything You Always Wanted to Know About the Afterlife but were Afraid to Ask.” In this chat, Hollister and I dive into interesting topics and this new state of awareness of how we live, not only here but in the afterlife.  I received Hollister’s book as a gift from one of my students and after reading it I knew I had to have her on Empowering Chats. She describes the difference between Mediums and Psychics as follows: Mediums and Psychics can often get the same kinds of information but the source is different. Psychics get their information from people, places and things here on this earth plan. Whereas Mediums connect with spirits, spirit guides, angels, pets and those that have passed on to the other side. Hollister believes that more of our ance