Kung Fu Drive-in Podcast

S2E66: Interview with actor, director, Noah Fleder



What does a Unicorn of Justice, a homeless bum, a cartoony strongman, a living anime doll, and a pirate have to do with a idealistic martial artist looking for a team to call his own? Good question! Noah Fleder, actor and director of the YouTube series "Legend of the Kickmaster" tries to explain.   We discuss, debate and dissect kung fu and martial arts movies past, present, and future! SEE EPISODE ONE OF "LEGEND OF THE KICKMASTER" HERE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q0N0gzBdDBQ&t=5s VISIT THE CASTAWAYS AT: www.uselessdebate.com/castaways SPONSORS: www.tinboxsolutions.com www.wearenotgoodpeople.com   INTRO MUSIC:  URL: http://freemusicarchive.org/music/Leisure-B/Live_In_Space/07_ninja Comments: http://freemusicarchive.org/ Copyright: Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike OUTRO MUSIC: http://youtu.be/5zeRoGFft2s  by Justin H @KingofKungFuAMP