The Overwhelmed Brain | Stress | Anxiety | Relationship | Critical Thinking | Emotional Intelligence | Emotional Abuse

Criticism and how you are like them - How to start the therapeutic process - The damage to the soul when someone dies



You know that feeling you get when someone puts you down? How about when you feel like you're doing everything right but that one person tells you how you're doing it wrong?   In segment one, I read an email from someone who gives me some critical feedback about how I communicate my message over the airwaves. He also tells me something I'm doing blatantly wrong. I share my reaction and the emotions I went through, and what you yourself probably go through when someone points out something that you did wrong as well. Sometimes there is truth in what they say. It can hurt and help at the same time. And, more importantly, can we see a bit of ourselves in the critical person?   In segment two, I read a message from someone who has no idea how to start a therapeutic process. He isn't sure where to begin with his many challenges and isn't sure how anyone could even help him. I outline the steps to starting a journey of getting help for whatever issues you are dealing with, giving you questions to ask yourself and