Movers + Mavericks

Know what your health food contains - Episode 100 - Grace Kingswell



Hey there and welcome to the weMove podcast.Breaking up our, loose theme on Shadow Work, masculinity, and self-improvement. Chris and I wanted to speak to someone who's within our circle, and is a nutritional therapist, and that's Grace Kingswell.We've known Grace for a while. But what made this podcast timely, was her calling out of Oatly the non-dairy milk brand in particular their ‘Barista version’ for it’s use of ingredients which are known to compromise health and vitality, whilst being marketed as a positive health choice.So we wanted to speak to Grace about this because she has and is positively vocal about this new trend for industrially produced non dairy drinks and her comments were triggering a lot of people about how to eat, what to eat and why to eat.I feel she's got some super, valid points. Chris and I are not nutritionists, or nutritional therapists, but we are our own nutritional experiments of one who have discovered without doubt, that a return to simplicity in what we e