Movers + Mavericks

Thoughts on taking the call to adventure and Jamie Ramsay Podcast



In our culture, we often live vicariously through others who are living their own adventure safe in our comfortable bubble working 9 to 5 “buying things we don’t need with money we don’t have to impress people we don’t like”.  The Hero’s journey theorised by Joseph Campbell begins with the “Call to adventure.” A calling within ourselves that there is something more to give. They come regularly and we can go one of two ways: Refuse the call, get back to work and stop fantasising about our dreams. Or we can take the call and make the leap into the unknown.The latter correlates with our own journeys and also the podcast with Jamie Ramsay. “Successfully” working in the City, he knew there was something more to give and he did what many choose not to. He resigned and followed a curiosity within himself. That has led him around the world by foot and wheels challenging himself to physical adventures but also the mental adventures that come with following your heart. If you have an inkling there is more you can do th