Movers + Mavericks

The Power is in our Voice - Arthur Joseph - Episode 37



Hey there and welcome to the weMove podcast.This next podcast was initially out of left field. Our voice is unique to us and often is hidden behind a version of ourselves we think the world wants to see. When we are not ourselves, our voice changes and when we discover our true voice then we step into our self, becoming heard by others and able to communicate clearly the ideas we have and the person we truly are.We were introduced Arthur Joseph the leading vocal coach in the US quite possibly the world and founder of the Vocal Awareness methodology. During the conversation we were pretty quiet and when we did speak, Arthur would coach us much like the conductor of an orchestra, and there is a point where the sound I make when I speak does not sound like me, it didn’t feel like my normal self, instead something much calmer and more assured. Very strange and yet enough for me to felt he effect of developing how I communicate with myself and others.The connection for us with the people we are meeting is the conn