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Care & Feeding: Revisiting Modern Puberty, Explained



We’re always getting questions about puberty. And even if we’re not dealing with a question explicitly about puberty, it seems like this topic always finds a way to come up anyway… like in last Thursday’s episode, for example. And puberty is always in the news – just this year, the NIH published research about precocious puberty caused by chemicals in personal care products. And Harvard researchers developed an existing theory that socioeconomic factors might be linked to an early onset of puberty, too. So we thought this might be a good time to re-share this great interview from last year — where Jamilah sat down with Cara Patterson and Vanessa Kroll Bennett, authors of This Is So Awkward: Modern Puberty Explained. They’ve got some amazing insights to share, and we’d love for you to hear them if you haven’t already. Join us on Facebook and email us at to ask us new questions, tell us what you thought of today’s show, and give us ideas about what we should talk about in future e