Young Adulting

Claire Mazur and Erica Cerulo on work wifing, closing their business, and the decision whether to have kids



This is hands down one of our favorite interviews yet! Erica Cerulo and Claire Mazur, founders of Of a Kind (RIP!), join us to talk about founding and running a business with your friend. We dive into how they split their roles in the business, travel styles, and hiring a management coach (AKA a business therapist). We also chat about how they’re processing the closure of their company and what’s next.    Then we turn to the subject of motherhood, and have an incredibly candid conversation about how Claire grappled with whether or not she wanted children, how Erica has defended her choice not to have children, and how they’ve supported each other and stayed close despite their disparate decisions. We wrap up with some recommendations for everything from skincare to podcasts to books.   More Claire + Erica: @clairemazur @ericacerulo (sign up for their newsletter here!) A Thing or Two Podcast Work Wife: the Power of Female Friendship to Drive Successful Businesses Refinery29: Why I Don’t