Columbus Baptist Church's Podcast

52 Acts 15:22-35 In All Things Charity



Title: In All Things Charity Text: Acts 15:22-35 FCF: We often struggle using our freedom to serve one another. Prop: Because God unifies His church on truth and love, we must celebrate a liberty that is used to love and serve one another. Scripture Intro: [Slide 1] Turn in your bible to Acts 15. In a moment we’ll read starting in verse 22 from the English Standard Version. You can follow along in the pew bible or in whatever version you prefer. I want to extend my thanks to Gary Montgomery for filling in for me while I was away. I was blessed by his sermons and I hope you were too. As we turn our attention back to the book of Acts, we are in the midst of a controversy of the highest order. It centers on 1 question with two applications. What place does the ceremonial law of Moses have in Christ’s church? And in answering that question we must look both before and after salvation. I’ve included some review already in the main portion of the sermon today so we won’t go deeper at the moment.