Talking Hoosier History

The "Buzz Wagon:" Studebaker's Electric Cars



As we pass the elusive Telsa Cybertruck, we’re reminded of Studebaker’s innovative electric cars produced in the early 20th century.   The South Bend manufacturer’s electric cars became a mainstay of the company, providing vehicles for personal use as well as transport. They were also marketed in a unique way. Studebaker focused on city businessmen, and especially society women, as the premier customers for electric cars. While gas-powered cars became the company’s focus by 1912, Studebaker’s innovative designs and skillful presentation nevertheless made their electric cars more than a mere fad. They showed the country that electric cars could be made cost-effectively and provide customers with a reliable, affordable means of personal transportation.   Written and voiced by Justin Clark. Produced by Jill Weiss Simins. A transcript, show notes, and more information on this episode is available at the THH website: