Archdiocese Of Brisbane

Twenty-Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time



Transcript “For the Son of Man did not come to be served but to serve and to give his life as a ransom for many.” These words of Jesus penetrated the hearts of his apostles and save them from that indignant feeling toward each other. Surely, these same words need to penetrate our senses today to take away any sort of disunity in serving the same vineyard. There are no church organisations or no church ministries out there that has not gone through any tension whatsoever because one or two members are picking up steam. The intentions were good, but the disposition of everyone was not. The issue must remain as a test on our own desires in the name of service. Ask this, Have I really come to serve or be served? Am I here for my ego or for the common good? Friends, let us be reminded today like James and John and the other ten apostles were by Jesus on the choice to be the servant amongst servants. The humility of God in the person of Jesus is written in the letter of St Paul to the Philippians, and I quot