New Tribe Church

Exposing 3 Foes of Freedom



Exposing 3 Foes of Freedom | Pastor Jarod Smith In this sermon, Pastor Jarod discusses the contrast between legalism and a Spirit-filled church, emphasizing that true freedom comes from faith, not from works. Using the example of a chaotic trip, it's highlighted that trying to manage every detail ourselves leads to failure and spiritual decay. Pastor Jarod elaborates on how life pressures, desires, and the allure of a different gospel can hinder our freedom in Christ. Ultimately, he encourages us to rely on the Holy Spirit for true liberation and the pleasing aroma of Christ in our lives. Series: Galatians | The Fall of Legalism and the Rise of the Spirit Filled Church For more information, scripture references, and notes - download the NewTribe App here: ____ Partner with New Tribe: Give | ____ Connect with New Tribe: Website | Instagram | Facebook |