New Tribe Church

The Heart of the Father



Living Water Series | The Heart of the Father Have you ever wondered how Father God responds when we make mistakes? Elder Lee Whitman continues our "Living Water" series with a message titled "The Heart of the Father." He discusses the story Jesus told about the prodigal son, specifically looking at how the Father responds to this wayward son. This is a great story talking about our Father God on this Father's Day! Verses: 1 John 1:12 NKJV Ephesians 3:14-15 NASB John 14:6 NASB John 14:16-17 NASB Luke 15:11-19 NASB Luke 15:20-24 NASB Key Points: - He rebelled against his father - He told his father he wished he were dead - He turned his back on his family and family heritage - He turned his back on his country and the national heritage - He disrespected his father's hard work by blowing his inheritance on loose living - He was hired on to work for a foreigner, stooping way below his upbringing - He turned his back on his religion GUILTY AS CHARGED! What the father did for the