Pillar Podcast

Exploring Your Spiritual Autobiography with Dr. Angela Washington



In this episode, we explore spiritual autobiographies and discuss how looking back at the ways God has equipped us through trials and tribulations helps us face new challenges with greater clarity and faith. You won’t want to miss this inspiring conversation! Dr. Angela D. Washington is an ordained elder in both the United Methodist Church and National Baptist Church and has over 30 years’ experience in ministry. Dr. Washington received her Doctor of Ministry degree at United Theological Seminary in Trotwood, Ohio where her area of specialization was congregational development and conflict resolution in an urban setting. Her area of concentration was evangelism and leadership. She earned her Master of Divinity degree from Gammon Theological Seminary at the Interdenominational Theological Center (ITC) in Atlanta, Georgia where her focus areas were psychology and religion. Her Bachelor of Arts is from Beulah Heights University in Atlanta, Georgia. Dr. Washington has also co-authored a book entitled Prophets to