Whispering Pines Church

Stories for the Road: The Parables of Jesus. The Parable of The Workers in The Vineyard – Matthew 20



This week we turn to another parable that at first glance seems to be a critique of you and I. In the parable of the workers in the vineyard, we find a grumbling and complaining workforce – representing us. They are upset about what is in their view, unfair treatment of the workers. Like the older brother in the parable of the prodigal son, they feel slighted – they’ve been working hard all day and deserve certain things from the landowner. But the main thrust of this passage is not our attitudes or our doing. The main point is about the landowner. Who is He? What is He like? What does He value most? When we learn the true heart of the landowner, we’ll understand why He does what seems at first glance to be unfair. Join us this Sunday as we take a look at one of my favorite parables! -Pastor Nate Roschen