Whispering Pines Church

Romans: In View of God’s Mercy Romans 9:1-29



Romans 9-11 may seem to be quite the diversion from the main thrust of Paul’s letter to the church in Rome. The first 8 chapters of this book explain, explicitly, how people are made righteous, both Jews and Gentiles. The final 5 chapters of this book explore Christian living – how we live into the office of the righteous children of God. In Romans 9-11, Paul returns to one of the primary reasons that he wrote this letter: his concern for the conflict between Jewish & Gentile Christians. Here especially, Paul is writing to express his anguish over the fact that most of his people, Israel, have rejected Jesus, the Messiah. Paul is heartbroken over this fact. God, who established His people, freed them from slavery, provided a wonderful home for them, and maintained a relationship with them unlike any other people, has been rejected by His own. What is there for us to glean from these chapters? Well, does your heart break for those who do not yet know Christ? Are you compassionate or bitter toward those