Whispering Pines Church

The Perfect Partner



This Sunday we discover from Genesis 2 the secret of the foundational building block of society, THE FAMILY. It comes about not from TV or radio talk hosts and their thoughts for what a family should be about. It actually comes from God Himself, as He recognizes that Adam would require a special partner in his life. Up to this point, everything has been good that God had made. But God notes "It is not good for the man to be alone; I will make him a helper suitable for him." The formula for a successful marriage is the same for the first couple as for you and me. We learn that secret this Sunday. Read Genesis 2:19-25 in preparation. And Pastor Rick is accepting questions on his Genesis series; if you have some thoughts or queries about this section, feel free to email him at Rhum76@gmail.com and put GENESIS ? for WPines.