True Crime Garage

Dominique Dunne ////// 797



Dominique Dunne  //////  797 Part 1 of 1www.TrueCrimeGarage.comThe night before Halloween attack on Poltergeist movie star Dominique Dunne shocked and surprised both Hollywood and the nation.  Dominique was an up and coming star.  At the young age of twenty two years old she had already found success on both television and the big screen.  Her star was rising but that would be brought to an abrupt end at the hands of a violent monster who was spiraling out of control.  Hands, that unfortunately she knew all too well.  There are many resources available to victims of both stalking and domestic violence.  If you feel you are in imminent danger or are in fear - call 911 immediately! Even when stalking is not related to domestic violence, domestic violence and/or sexual assault service providers are often the right people to contact.  The Victim Connect Resource Center is a referral helpline.  They are available 9AM to 5PM ET by calling 1- 855-4-VICTIMAnd perhaps the best resource is The National Domestic Violenc