Hong Kong Confidential

S1E201: 201| Aaron's Anxiety



REPLAYED CONTENT: Aaron Stadlin-Robbie suffers from panic attacks and anxiety. He talks about when he first realised that he was suffering from panic attacks after experiencing the most frightening event of his whole life. Eventually, he saw a psychiatrist and got to the bottom of what he was going through and began to receive treatment and support. He recognised that he experienced several red flags that he initially ignored which led to his panic attacks taking hold. He feels that dealing with anxiety is a battle and without the support of friends, family and professionals, he felt very alone. He acknowledges that it can be more difficult for men to discuss more personal issues with each other and he wants people to understand that every time he discussed his anxiety, it was a weight off his mind. Aaron is a rugby player and he found that when he opened up to his mates about his anxiety, they were very supportive and did not judge him. Aaron decided to start his own podcast ‘Talking Mental’ whic