Stem Everyday

STEM Everyday #280 | Creativity & Curiosity in PBL | feat. Kath Geramita



Kath Geramita is currently the co-Founder and COO of CreositySpace. She has also been an engineer, chemist, and entrepreneur with a passion for making science and technology useful and accessible to everyone. Kath got her start in a number of technology start-ups developing products ranging from electronic ink and cement made from CO2, to materials improving the storage capacity of batteries and fuel cells. Throughout it, she was always searching for ways to engage young children and their parents in the excitement of science, in hopes of developing more scientifically-engaged citizens. In 2015, Kath joined forces with Peg Zokowski and started CreositySpace with the vision to change the way kids think about science and technology. CreositySpace is a unique inquiry-based, learner-directed science curriculum that connects ALL K-5 students to science and capitalizes on their creativity and curiosity at a time when they ask, “What do I want to do when I grow up?" Their curriculum introduces students to the s