Hong Kong Confidential

S1E91: 91| The Feng Shui Master



Susanne Schutz is a Chinese Metaphysics consultant who specialises in Feng Shui, auspicious date selection and Chinese astrology. Susanne has trained with a Grand Master and practices in Asia, Dubai and Moscow. She explains the difference between contemporary Feng Shui and classical Feng Shui and gives us an insight into the rich history of the practice. Susanne explains how Feng Shui, auspicious date selection and astrology are all intrinsically linked, and she delves deeper into each of the practices with us. Susanne shares how Feng Shui looks at your environment and the interaction between the mountains and the water with a focus on the energy that this creates. Feng Shui can be used to improve your career, sleep, health issues, academic success, children’s behaviour and increase your opportunities for love and money; just to name a few. Susanne mentions several remedies that she may recommend in a Feng Shui consultation but reminds us that it is not about object placement but about specific remedies