Hong Kong Confidential

S1E83: 83| The Cancer Crusader



Professor Dan Lloyd is the Deputy Head of School of Biosciences at the University of Kent. We discuss his research into DNA damage, and how this relates to cancer and its treatment. We chat about targeted therapy in cancer research and how treatment can vary for different types of cancer. We explore the cultural and social issues that effect the diagnostic element in the treatment process and how some cancers fare better than others when it comes to funding and awareness raising campaigns. This is a fascinating conversation about science, creativity, values and ethics. Professor Dan explain some of the ethics related to studies in other scientific fields like mitochondrial donation, animal testing, medical marijuana and some of the social and ethical values surrounding this work. Professor Dan shares what he would like to see in the future when it comes to cancer research, including better diagnostics, increased targeted therapies and addressing the resistance to drugs that the sneaky cancer cells often build