Plant-based Diet

Algae: The Food of the Future?



It has been touted as the food of the future and the most nutrient dense food on the planet. In this episode, Catharine Arnston, Founder & CEO of Energybits, discusses algae which she describes as food that’s “a gift to us from mother nature”. Rising health awareness and increasing world population is driving demand for this sustainable and nutrient-rich food. Packed with vitamins, minerals and protein, it’s a multi-billion-dollar crop in Asia but not particularly well known as a food outside of Asia. In this episode you’ll hear:1:15 – How Catharine got into the algae business5:00 – Algae as a food9:00 – Algae subcategories: Macroalgae and microalgae9:30 – 2 types of microalgae: 1) Blue-green 2) Green 10:15 – Difference between spirulina and chlorella22:00 – How is microalgae grown and processed?24:45 – Beware of heavy metals in algae27:25 – NASA’s use of algae on space missions28:50 – Products made from algae29:45 – Algae trials related to COVID30:30 – The science behind algae31:15 – Are there health war