Jenn Taylor #rerouting

Parenting A Complex Child, Advocacy, Support Group, & Passion with Michelle Choairy S7 E42



first pregnancy at 38 no amniotic fluid at 29 weeks sent straight to hospital 3 weeks on bed rest and had a C section at 32 weeks. He was 3 lbs 1 oz and stayed in NICU for 4 weeks.  He fell behind in all milestones and didn't like to eat. 18 months I knew something was wrong and started looking for help. I found an OT that got me Regional Center help. This is our state's program.  at 3 he still wasn't saying any words. so I started searching for speech therapist that could help. We ended up in Connecticut.  forward to when he was 8 and we were able to get a genetic test and he was diagnosed with TBR1 a rare genetic disorder with 190 kids in the world with it. He is one in 190.  I am now helping moms with complex kids take the steps they need to get help for them with early intervention. I am  a mom of a complex kid. I have been my son’s best advocate and have learned through the years what it takes to get the best care for my child.  I am  the Founder of Collective Wisdom for Complex Kids