
Las Cafeteras Live on Tamarindo



Recorded in front of a live audience, we speak with the band Las Cafeteras about their new album, a  “A Night in Nepantla,” featuring a fusion of traditional Mexican folk and electronic dance beats.The album addresses themes of longing, love, and pressing community issues. Stick around after the conversation with a very special live performance. Catch the band on tour: https://lascafeteras.com/tour/ Thank you to our event partner, The Pop-Hop, a mission-driven, multi-use community arts and education space. They sell new and used books and hundreds of items from local authors and artists. Learn more: https://www.thepophop.com/about And a very special thanks to Jeff Devoe, AKA, producer Jeff, for engineering the live show and episode. Tamarindo is a lighthearted show hosted by Brenda Gonzalez and Delsy Sandoval talking about politics, culture, and self-development. We’re here to uplift our community through powerful conversations with changemakers, creatives, and healers. Join us as we delve into discussions