
Re-Play: Pleasure as a Right with Sex Therapist Dr. Janet Brito



Tamarindo is still on summer break and this week we are revisiting our talk all about sex with sex therapist Dr. Janet Brito.  Dr. Janet Brito is a nationally certified Latinx sex therapist, supervisor, speaker, and trainer. Currently based in Honolulu, Hawaii, she is the founder of the Hawaii Center for Sexual and Relationship Health and The Sexual Health School. She’s been featured in Oprah Magazine, The Huffington Post, Playboy, Healthline, Women’s Health Magazine,Thrive Global, and Bustle. Together we talk about what's often behind the unhealthy relationships we have with sex and why pleasure is our right and an important part of our liberation. Then, Dr. Janet Brito answers all the questions submitted by you!  Ana Sheila mentions Adrienne Maree Brown’s book Pleasure Activism and quotes a part of her interview from the podcast Pleasure Activism- Change that Nourishes You. Tamarindo is a lighthearted show where hosts Brenda Gonzalez and Ana Sheila Victorino discuss politics, culture, and self-development.