Book Choice

Book Choice - January 2018



Welcome to BOOK CHOICE on the first Monday of the month and to a bright, bookish New Year! I’m Andrew Marjoribanks, Wordsworth Books with a big bundle of good books on which to spend your book vouchers. Beverley Roos Muller finds Chris Barnard as beautiful and brilliant as she remembers him in Heartbreaker: Christiaan Barnard and the first heart transplant by James Brent Styan. Philip Todres is gobsmacked by Ballenesque, the long-awaited restrospective from one of the world’s most important photographers – Roger Ballon, who, for the first time, reveals his compelling and particular vision. Vanessa Levenstein loved Dear World – A Syrian Girl’s story of War and plea for peace by Bana Alabed. John Hanks holds Sir David Attenboroough in high esteem and thus was pleased to read David Attenborough – Adventures of a young Naturalist. The Zoo Quest Expeditions. Mike Fitzjames, mean as always, shreds our nerves with truly good new crime novels. We chat to Lyndall Gordon about Outsiders – Five Women Writers Who Changed