Breast Friends Cancer Support Radio

A Warrior's Story - Finding Destiny After Breast Cancer



Kelley was diagnosed with aggressive breast cancer after being told that she was too young after fighting to be heard at age 22. She endured challenging treatment protocol, a high risk pregnancy during treatment and then the loss of both her sister and her mother to cancer. Despite these challenges, Kelley will share how she made it through with her faith and determination. The air date for this episode, December 21 is Kelley's birthday so wishing Kelley a very happy day! As we pre-recorded this episode, Kelley wanted to add some additional information: Season's Greetings Breast Friends Listeners, I am grateful to be given the opportunity to elaborate on a few topics I believe may have been unclear. First & foremost, when I mentioned my mother being gay it was not to be interpreted as anything less than factual. As a child of the 70s, we were not allowed to speak the word let alone tell our friends. Along with our unique upbringing, it was yet another way for these new kids in town to feel different,