Breast Friends Cancer Support Radio

A Survivor's Message -The Universe Was Trying to Get My Attention



“A cancer diagnosis was my impetus for becoming a life coach,” Shari Leid says. “When I received the diagnosis of breast cancer at the age of 47, my first thought was that the universe must be trying to get my attention. I felt that there was a reason that cancer was placed in my life journey, and I knew there were life lessons that I was not only supposed to learn, but also share.” Now in her early 50s, Shari is a life and mindset coach who works with clients in their mid-40s to mid-60s who feel stuck in their lives. Shari is the author of 2 books and has a third due out in the fall. Her second book, Make Your Mess Your Message: More Life Lessons From and For My Girlfriends [978-1954920118; $17.95; Capucia Publishing; September 2021], chronicles dates and intimate conversations with her girlfriends (all conducted via Zoom during the pandemic) centered around the question, What is the mess that became your message?