Real Talk With Rachael Podcast

191: Tending to Your HEART with Rachael Gilbert, LPC



This week on Real Talk with Rachael it's the final episode of my church series where we've been engaging in healthy conversations about church and leadership all while keeping our hearts pure in the process. While I'm a licensed professional counselor, I want to be clear that I am not professionally counseling you on this podcast today. My goal is to offer some pastoral counseling by providing you with a system to follow when you're walking through something hard in life through the acronym HEART. Key Points from Our Conversation: H - Healthy Order of Processing: Begin with God, seek support from trusted loved ones, consider professional help, and reserve online sharing for last. When you’re working through a past experience or emotion, start by giving yourself space to actually feel it. Many people tend to avoid or suppress their feelings, but there’s strength in feeling and acknowledging our experiences. Sometimes, our bodies even hold onto memories physically, and techniques like EMDR (Eye Movement Desens