No Agenda

1710 - "Bro Media"



No Agenda Episode 1710 - "Bro Media" "Bro Media" Executive Producers: Sir Onymous of Dogpatch and Lower Slobbovia Duke Not Sure keeper of the Tri-Lakes and Southern Front Range Paul Fellner Sir Robert Dawson Sir Speedy of the Bubble James Halcon Ed Coda Dan Richman Theodore Kotyk John ONeill Sir Cristobal Sir Rod, the One Who Parties - Knight of the Crocs and Socks Sir Tim Associate Executive Producers: Andrew Justin Butler Robert Carty Linda Lu Duchess of jobs and writer of resumes Sarah Fischer Annie Breglia Teresa Andrews Become a member of the 1711 Club, support the show here Boost us with with Podcasting 2.0 Certified apps: Podverse - Podfriend - Breez - Sphinx - Podstation - Curiocaster - Fountain Title Changes Sir Ralf Earl of Neutral Moresnet and Deutschland > Sir Ralf Duke of Neutral Moresnet and Deutschland. Count Not Sure > Duke Not Sure keeper of the Tri-Lakes and Southern Front Range Sir Notjake > Baronet Sir Notjak