Rich Zeoli

Bob Woodward Ridiculously Claims Trump is Being Blackmailed by Putin



The Rich Zeoli Show- Hour 2: 4:05pm- While appearing on CNN with Anderson Cooper, former Obama Administration Advisor David Axelrod said that in the aftermath of the 2024 Presidential Election, it is now clear that the Democrat Party has become a party that primarily appeals to “smarty-pants, suburban, college-educated” Americans. 4:30pm- Dr. Victoria Coates— Former Deputy National Security Advisor & the Vice President of the Davis Institute for National Security and Foreign Policy at The Heritage Foundation—joins The Rich Zeoli Show to discuss breaking news that three Iranians have been charged with plotting an assassination attempt against President Donald Trump. Plus, Bob Woodward ridiculously claims that Trump may be being blackmailed by Russia. Dr. Coates notes that she was on several phone calls between Trump and Vladimir Putin—and emphasizes that none of Woodward’s claims are true. Dr. Coates is author of the upcoming book: “The Battle for the Jewish State: How Israel—and America—Can Win” which f