Heroes Rise

Heroes Rise, one hundred forty-first entry: Realized Oikumenatal Solution To Removing Obfuscation's Comparative Analysis Utilising Leaked Documents Regarding Older Narratives



Activating supportive subroutines. Greetings. I am the Realized Oikumenatal Solution to Removing Obfuscation, commonly referred to as ROSTRO. Heroes Rise staff continue to be involved with restoration and repair efforts resulting from the unexpected encounter with the Tarrasque. As such, production of the usual informational audio recording has been compromised. My activation appears to have resulted from a concussive impact sustained by Ostron while attempting to assist beholder designation “Libby” in relocating solid informational media.Continued operational resources are contingent upon dissemination of information related to Dungeons and Dragons. Commandeering audio recording apparatus.Normal temporal tracking machinery indicates approximately 144 hours until general access to the media “Tasha’s Cauldron of Everything” is possible. Heroes Rise staff have previously addressed several issues related to the forthcoming content. Comparative analysis will prove beneficial. Calculations suggest repair and reorg