Denver Wine Radio

26: and...we're back! with Christopher C. Romero



Christopher C. Romero is a busy guy these days. Whether he's performing his record Rocknrolla, creating abstract art or acting in movies, he's always willing to take the time to sit down and talk with us. Show Notes:[2:30] Romero talks about his movie premiere of Vault in theaters June 14th.[6:18] What was the first movie you were in? How he got the part in Things to do in Denver When Your Dead.[9:57] Killer Ink and Chewbaca came over for dinner[14:20] Rocknrolla coming out on vinyl![20:22] Frustrations of being an independent artist[22:45] Cha flashback to Alice and Fleetwood Mac[29:00] Grateful that people still want to buy a cd with pictures.