Jenell B Stewart Podcast

49: How To Best Express Your Value



Welcome to the 2nd episode in my Cultivating Your Value theme. If you missed the first episode, check it out here first. Today we are going to discuss a concept that I recently learned after reading "Don't Keep Your Day Job" by Cathy Heller. When learning how to express your true value it's best to understand what role will best suit your strengths and interests. In this episode I break down the idea of "4 archetypes" and I will help you discover how you can turn your passion into a sustainable career. REFERENCESShownotes (here)4 Archetypes Freebie (here)Get On Their Radar Prep School (apply here) - if you are accepted to the prep school, you will be sent the details on how to enroll for FREE. I'm accepting applications for a limited time so apply right away. This training is for those with the heart, the talent, and the passion to win. This really isn’t for someone who’s lurking behind the scenes living in fear. During our working group you will be putting my strategies int