Tom Rowland Podcast

'Landtrust: Recreation Access Network' Founder Nic De Castro - Episode #834



Have you ever wanted to hunt on private land? Have you ever driven by a farm and thought, 'that would be a nice place to camp!' My guest today has the solution for you! Nic De Castro is an entrepreneur based in Bozeman, MT where he is building LandTrust, a recreation access network that opens up outdoor recreation opportunities on private lands across the US. Through LandTrust, Nic aims to increase quality, private land access for recreators, and create a new, profitable revenue stream for farmers & ranchers to keep rural lands intact & in family hands. Land sharing is the next big step in outdoor adventures! Nic is on the front line, seeking to share access with avid outdoorsmen across the nation. Create a FREE Account: Get my favorite supplements to help you on your fitness journey. Electrolytes - Drink LMNT | Zero Sugar Electrolytes - Vitamin - Micro Factor Pack | 1st Phorm - Protein - Phormula-1 Post-Workout Recovery Protien -