The Rich Roll Podcast

How He Dropped 75lbs on a Plant-Based Diet and Became an Ironman



Today on the show I chat with Thad Beatty, guitarist for the multi-platinum country duo Sugarland. In so many ways, Thad's story closely mirrors mine. The details are distinct, but no matter — the journey is all too familiar. I first came across Thad's story on and — struck by the similarities in our journeys — knew I had to have him on the show. Just a few years ago, Thad tipped the scales at 230 lbs. Overweight with raging blood pressure and alarmingly elevated cholesterol, the touring musician lifestyle had him headed in the direction of irrevocable health problems in his mid-30's. His decision to turn his life around snapped into focus the day he found out his mother had been diagnosed with colon cancer. In support and solidarity with mom, both Thad and his brother decided to clean up their act. It started simple — ditch the lousy processed foods and start eating more fruits & vegetables. One thing led to another, and before he knew it, Thad found himself a convert to the PlantPower lifestyle.