West Pines Community Church

02-07-16 Shovels and Swords, Part 2: Enlist



Nehemiah had heard the bad news that things were not good in Jerusalem. There was no wall. There were no gates. The remnant of people there were in danger. When he heard this news he wept and mourned and fasted and prayed. But what could Nehemiah do about it? He lived in Susa. He had a job in the king’s palace. He was a cupbearer. Last week we talked about our call to build something. We believe God wants us to be a part of building what He is building. The danger is that often we think being used by God will require us to be repositioned. We think we have to leave where we are and do something else. But we can learn from Nehemiah’s example. We should start with where we are. God didn’t make a mistake. He placed us where we are for a reason.