

Figuring Out Your Purpose Over the years, the most popular question I get from the MOVERS around here is -- “How do I find my purpose and face my passion?” If I were to expand on that question, it would be - “What can I do today to find my purpose and overcome the fear of living my passion?” In other words, it’s one thing to find it; it’s another thing to get yourself to do it. Today, we’ll focus on finding it. In my quest to live passionately, I always follow a 5-step process for discovering and facing your passion. It has never failed me. 1) Explore the possibilities that are available to you. The more, the better. Many things will interest you, and you should be willing to allow them into your life. 2) Pay attention to what grabs and keeps your attention. Don’t fight the feeling; just follow the urge to explore. 3) Deep dive into the things shoving themselves into your life and immersing yourself. 4) When you find yourself fascinated and nearly obsessed, you are heading a new path, even if it mak