The Todd Herman Show

Both Sides Want to Shut Us Up Ep_1226



A teacher screamed at students who apparently had too many questions about a speaker from the Sexual Left that “in a Democratic society” we “shut-up and go along with what the ‘majority’ wants.”So, what does God’s Word say? God invented speech; He gave us the ability to speak, understand and write our words. He is pro-free-speech. But, not The Party and, sadly, a huge percentage of Americans now hate free speech, including almost 50% of “Republicans.” This episode, we will take a deep dive into censorship and the cynical media business of “lifestyle polarity.” For instance, we will look at what FOX News shows itself to be when it matches employee donations to the Satanic Temple and Planned Parenthood. I love my former employers in radio and have nothing disparaging to say about them as they were largely great people. But, I will also tell you in detail about things I was ordered to stop saying on their radio stations--which I recognize as their property--and offer a suggestion for talk radio listeners to ask