The Todd Herman Show

A must read, new book on the origin of evil. Author and filmmaker Christian Laursen joins us Episode 1095



A must read, new book on the origin of evil: Author and filmmaker Christian Laursen joins us Christian Laursen joins us today to discuss his book about the origin of evil. He shares how he saw people had become apathetic towards evil, but after 9/11, he began to wake up. He discusses several very personal encounters with evil and poses one question: 'What is it?' We explore the notion that evil must entail a component of deriving pleasure from harming others to be truly evil, and through our discussion, we arrive at the conclusion that evil is an entity. Christian reminds us that there is hope and discusses the actions we can take. In a similar vein, we discuss how The Party has effectively created a new, master race with special privileges and powers and how that cannot be sustained in a functioning society. What does God’s Word say? Genesis 2:16-18And the Lord God commanded the man, “You are free to eat from any tree in the garden; but you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, for wh