Alexander Garrett

One Leg up on 'The Human Idea' With Anne Riley 11-20-24 - Presented by Podmatch



Thanks to Author Anne Riley for discussing her new book, 'The Human Idea' and why a healthy human ecosystem would benefit all of us in society. As Presented by Podmatch.Introduction to Anne Riley as written on PodMatch: Anne Riley is an MBA with experience in multiple industries. She has been on a lifelong quest to understand how humans logically fit into life's panorama.Studying the works of Charles Darwin, Stephen Jay Gould, and Michael Rothschild among many others, set her on the course of discovery.Immersing herself in the basic knowledge of physics, chemistry, biology, economics, and government, gave her the foundation for a new way of thinking about humans.And COVID gave her the time to hammer out the structure and details of a brand new theory of human ideas.She is the author of The Human Idea which will be published in November of 2024, as well as three other books available on Amazon: DINA: Nature's Case For Democracy, Aerie, and Elusive. She lives in the midwest, is married to her high school sweeth