Sound Bhakti

Your Bhajan Is Your Base | HG Vaiśeṣika Dāsa | ISV | 1 Oct 2022



Every institution, every person, needs a base. A house has to have a strong foundation. Corporations start off with the reason that they exist, a mission vision statement, and say, "This is why we're doing this." Otherwise, it becomes confusing and complicated. But when we have a clear idea why we're doing something, we have a foundation, then everything else can take its proper place when we have the foundation laid. So, Śrī Caitanya Mahāprabhu's proposition was very simple, and that's been passed down through our disciplic succession, and that is to make a mantra out of it Your bhajan is your base. Base your life and all the other things that you're doing in your life on your bhajan. Make sure that you have that in place before you try to build other things on top of it. Otherwise, eventually, they'll fall apart. As Śukadeva Gosvāmī tells us in the Bhāgavatam: 'dehāpatya-kalatrādiṣv ātma-sainyeṣv asatsv api teṣāṁ pramatto nidhanaṁ paśyann api na paśyat'i (SB 2.1.4). He basically says all other things that