The Unbeatable Mind Podcast With Mark Divine

The Stories We Tell and Changing Perspective(with David Richman)



Our perspective in any given moment dictates how we live our lives. David Richman (@davidrichman_cycleoflives) is an author and speaker who rode 4700 miles to interview and connect to the stories he tells in his new book Cycle of Lives.   Cycle of Lives explores the importance of having difficult conversations with ourselves and others so that we can live a life of integrity and inspiration. “Once you make it okay to quit, it becomes a lot easier to quit… Once you say, no, let me see if I can go just one more step, just go a little bit further, it becomes a little bit easier to not quit”  - David Richman   Key Takeaways:  Sonder: The realization that each random passerby is living a life as vivid and complex as your own. Sonder is a term that ties in many psychological concepts relevant to our well-being and staying grounded. Sonder is an awareness of ourselves living a unique perspective and life which entails various abilities. In this awareness, we realize everyone else is also doing this. It is having