The Unbeatable Mind Podcast With Mark Divine

One of the Greatest Thinkers of All Time



You are in for an incredible life changing treat today with the great Ken Wilbur and his genius thoughts. Ken has been grouped in with the great and influential minds of Nietzsche , Jung, and Freud. He will take you on a journey through INTEGRAL THEORY and why this school of thought is essential to our world development and Worldcentric  future. We will hear how the work that Mark Divine and his 5 mountain training is on the cutting edge of Integral theory and why Ken and Mark have come to believe in this holistic view. If growth and development are part of your current path , this is not to be missed. Never has Eastern meditation and enlightenment practices met with the Western "Growing up Model" of thought until now. We have been Training broken humans for our entire history. Now is the time to merge paths and continue human development by the way of UNBEATABLE MIND Training and Integral theory. Bio: Kenneth Earl "Ken" Wilber II is an American writer, philosopher and public speaker. He has written and lectu