Risen Church Nc

Expect the Unexpected: Fireproof - Daniel 2-3



We all know what it's like to lose hope. So often the many variables we place our hope in prove unsustainable and as they falter, we faint. In this message, the Bible exposes the futility in placing our hope in fragile, uncertain variables. We are invited to trust only in the one and only constant, the God of the Universe. Daniel teaches us that God truly is in control of all the elements of this world. Daniel brings a word of challenge and conviction to King Nebuchadnezzar, which sends him off the deep-end of insecurity. The king attempts to secure his power, making an example out of Daniel's three friends. Their response sends shockwaves throughout all the world and all time to come, as they showcase what it looks like to have a hope that is unshakeable and fireproof.